100+ Best Would You Rather Questions for Adults

One of the most famous games of all time is’ Would you Rather’. How many times have you played this game? If you ask me, I have played it more than 30 times. It’s also something I enjoy doing with friends or coworkers, especially someone I don’t know well. 

It forces us to express our opinions, preferences, and values in a way that is conducive to bonding. It’s a way of starting a conversation too. Questioning people is a great way to get to know them and their perspectives. 

So, I have listest more than 100 questions for you to use.

100+ Best Would You Rather Questions for Adults

  1. Would you rather be an ordinary girl or queen?
  2. Would you rather be an ordinary man or a king?
  3. Would you rather be a stone or a dog?
  4. Would you rather eat cake without sugar or eat salt?
  5. Would you rather marry your crush or someone out of your stance?
  6. Would you rather be god or Thanos?
  7. Would you rather eat an alien or let it eat you?
  8. Would you rather swallow or spit…?
  9. Would you rather be gay and happy or straight and sad?
  10. Would you rather be a billionaire or millionaire?
  11. Would you rather choose to be quiet forever or speak whatever?
  12. Would you rather lose your taste bud or taste your nose?
  13. Would you rather lick your shoes or eat the wildflowers?
  14. Would you rather live happily or be wealthy?
  15. Would you rather be a memer or engineer?
  16. Would you rather sleep with a stranger or never sleep in life?
  17. Do you prefer to make a phone call or send a text message?
  18. Would you rather read a fantastic book or watch a fantastic film?
  19. Which would you prefer to be at work or school: the most popular or the smartest?
  20. Would you rather put an end to world hunger or put an end to war?
  21. Would you rather spend the night in a luxurious hotel room or camping in the middle of nature?
  22. Which would you prefer: pineapple or coconut skin?
  23. Would you rather have all of the pimples you’ll ever have on your body for three weeks and never acquire another pimple, or continue to get pimples at your normal rate for the rest of your life?
  24. Would you rather hit your head or break someone’s head?
  25. Would you rather pass out at your wedding or at your commencement?
  26. Would you rather be stuck in a room full of mosquitoes or rats for an hour?
  27. Would you rather spend the rest of your life without music or movies?
  28. Would you rather cry through your nose or talk through your mouth?
  29. Would you rather go into space or dive into the ocean?
  30. Which do you prefer: scuba diving or bungee jumping?
  31. Would you prefer spending your entire life as a child or as an adult?
  32. Would you prefer to go on a cruise with your pals or with your significant other?
  33. Which would you want to lose: your keys or your phone?
  34. Which would you prefer to eat: cow tongue or octopus?
  35. Would you choose x-ray vision or amplification of your hearing?
  36. Would you want to work in a group or on your own?
  37. Would you rather eat raw bottle guard or wear fancy dress and go shopping?
  38. Would you rather have an unpleasant houseguest for a week or watch a wailing infant for a day?
  39. Would you prefer to be imprisoned in a theme park or a library?
  40. Would you rather cook like a gourmet chef or sing like an opera star?
  41. Would you rather have your debt forgiven or have ten years of guaranteed good health?
  42. Would you rather be a monk for the rest of your life or be constantly trailed by paparazzi?
  43. Would you choose a lifelong supply of good food or a lifetime supply of books?
  44. Which would you prefer: the ability to breathe underwater or the ability to fly through the air?
  45. Is it more important to be renowned for your brains or for your attractive looks?
  46. Would you rather have pizza or ice cream as your sole source of nourishment for the rest of your life?
  47. Would you prefer not to age intellectually or physically?
  48. Would you rather change the colour of your eyes or your hair?
  49. Would you rather own a resort or a mansion?
  50. Would you rather meet a Bollywood star or a Hollywood star?
  51. Would you rather be stuck in your house for two weeks or stuck in an airport for two weeks?
  52. Would you rather brush your hair or clean your teeth if you had to give up one thing for the rest of your life?
  53. Would you rather spend 30 years in prison and be declared innocent, or four years in prison and be presumed guilty for the rest of your life?
  54. Would you rather own a home or rent a place to live?
  55. Would you rather be remembered for a novel or a song as a one-hit-wonder?
  56. Would you rather spend two weeks at the same Caribbean resort or an action-packed European vacation?
  57. Would you rather play a role in a suspense thriller or a horror-comedy?
  58. Would you rather never be able to eat sweets or sleep in?
  59. Would you rather not have a smartphone or a laptop ever again?
  60. Would you prefer to have tickets to every high school football or basketball game?
  61. Would you prefer to be able to dine for free anyplace or to be able to acquire free clothes from any store?
  62. Would you rather have the worst professor of all time once in a lifetime or merely average instructors for the rest of your life?
  63. Would you rather be the world’s smartest person or the world’s most beautiful person?
  64. Would you rather earn a degree in something you enjoy or a degree that would help you generate money?
  65. Would you rather be able to teleport but not be able to control where you go or be able to time travel but not be able to control what time you travel to?
  66. Would you rather be constantly hungry or thirsty, regardless of how much you ate or drank?
  67. Would you prefer to be a well-known actor or a well-known singer?
  68. Would you rather live far away from campus in the best hostel ever or close to campus in the worst hostel ever?
  69. Would you rather lose your sense of taste or your ability to see colours?
  70. Would you rather visit your ancestors in the past or visit your great-great-grandchildren in the future?
  71. Which would you prefer: more time or more money?
  72. Would you like your life to have a rewind or pause button?
  73. Would you rather be able to communicate with animals or be able to communicate in any foreign language?
  74. Which would you prefer: winning the lottery or living twice as long?
  75. Would it make you feel worse if no one came to your wedding or funeral?
  76. Would you rather go a week without the internet or your phone?
  77. Would you rather meet a goblin or a vampire?
  78. Which would you want to lose: your sight or your hearing?
  79. Which superhero would you choose to be: Batman or Spiderman?
  80. Would you rather be caught on a damaged ski lift or an elevator that has broken down?
  81. Would you prefer money or gifts for your birthday?
  82. Would you prefer to go to a movie or eat dinner by yourself?
  83. Would you rather say everything that comes to mind all of the time or never speak again?
  84. Would you rather prefer to make a phone call or send a text message?
  85. Would you rather read a fantastic book or watch a fantastic film?
  86. Which would you prefer to be at work or school: the most popular or the smartest?
  87. Would you rather put an end to world hunger or put an end to war?
  88. Do you prefer to lose your keys or your phone?
  89. Would you rather eat cow tongue or octopus for dinner?
  90. Would you rather choose x-ray vision or hearing aids?
  91. Would you want to work in a group or on your own?
  92. Would you rather be stranded on an island by yourself or with someone who constantly talks?
  93. Which do you prefer: being too hot or too cold?
  94. Would you rather have a bad career and be able to retire comfortably in ten years, or have your dream job and have to work until you die?
  95. Would you rather spend your entire life in a virtual world where all of your fantasies come true or in the actual world?
  96. Would you rather lose your ability to make new long-term memories or lose all of your memories from birth to now?
  97. Would you want to be able to see 5 minutes into the future all of the time or be able to see 100 years into the future all of the time?
  98. Would you rather be forced to murder one innocent person or five criminals who have committed minor offences?
  99. Would you rather have done something incredibly terrible about which only your best friend is aware, or not done anything horribly embarrassing about which everyone but your best friend is aware?
  100. Would you prefer to eat at your regular restaurant or at a newly launched restaurant?
  101. Would you rather recall every detail of the last ten years of your life or know what you’ll be doing for the next ten months but be unable to change it?
  102. Would you rather prevent everyone in the world from being sick except yourself, or would you rather prevent yourself from ever getting sick while the rest of the world continues to function normally?
  103. Would you rather tackle the world’s issues or simply live your life without being concerned about them?
  104. Would you rather be the most popular person at school or at work, or the smartest / most talented?
  105. Would you rather live in a country with more regulations and societal expectations, which is safer and more organised, or one with fewer rules and societal expectations, which is more hazardous and chaotic?
  106. Would you rather spend ten years as a monk or spend the rest of your life in a country randomly picked?

Use these questions and share your experience.


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