OkCupid A-List: Price? Features? Does It Get You More Messages/Dates?

OkCupid underwent a complete rebranding in 2018, giving the almost 20-year-old dating service a new look and feel. The app has also made significant progress in terms of being more inclusive of people of all genders and sexual orientations.

To help you locate the most compatible matches, OkCupid asks you a series of questions. The majority of the questions are user-generated, which means that anyone who uses the app can contribute their own. While some questions may feel intrusive, you can easily skip any that you don’t feel comfortable answering. Your responses will aid OkCupid in determining the best matches by calculating your compatibility score with other users.

The fact that OkCupid is absolutely free to use was its major selling point. That is, for the most part, still true. OkCupid has changed its app over time, including adding paid features and giving two membership options (basic and premium). While paying for these services may improve your chances of finding the right match, OkCupid’s free version remains one of the best options available. In this article, I will tell you all about the features, prices and messages of OkCupid. 

Is OkCupid free?

OkCupid is completely free to use, and the bulk of its features may be accessed without paying a monthly fee. You can “like” other users for free, update most of your preferences, utilise the “Quickmatch” feature, and view all of your matches. You can also log in online or use the app for free at any time and as frequently as you want.

OkCupid does not require a monthly subscription fee. You must join the A-List if you want to use more features with your OkCupid account. OkCupid offers two types of premium subscriptions: “A-List Basic” and “A-List Premium.” Additional benefits include extensive search tools that boost your chances of finding a match, the ability to see every user who has visited and liked your profile, and, most importantly, no advertisements will pop up.

OkCupid A-List: Price? What is OkCupid price?

The basic OkCupid service is completely free, but you may pay to have your profile appear in other users’ match results. The A-List Basic subscription is $4.95 per month and the A-List Premium subscription costs $24.90 per month. You can also pay to “Boost” your profile, allowing you to appear first on Quickmatch and in matches more frequently. You can buy a boost for $1.99 at any moment, or you can buy 5, 5, or 10 of them for the same price.

Basic A-List:

  • $19.95/month for 1 month
  • $14.95/month for 3 months
  • $9.95/month for 6 months

Premium A-List:

  • $34.90/month per 1 month
  • $29.90/month per 3 months
  • $24.90/month per 6 months

What are the features of OkCupid A-List? 

The Benefits of OkCupid A-List 

  1. An ad-free experience
  2. You can change your username once a month.
  3. Additional search options are also there like body type and attractiveness
  4. View a complete list of everyone who has already expressed interest in you.
  5. You can view your visitor’s list while visiting profiles invisibly.
  6. You receive a larger mailbox with 5,000 message storage.
  7. You can see whether or not your sent messages have been read.
  8. Additional message filtering options

You get everything listed above, plus:

  1. One free profile boosts every day at a moment OkCupid deems busy
  2. Before you respond to a question, look at other people’s responses.
  3. Your communications are prioritised at the top of everyone’s inbox.
  4. You’ll be able to view and be noticed by more appealing matches.

Does It Get You More Messages/Dates?

Yes, A list of OkCupid gets you more messages and a level up on the competition in terms of visibility which might get you more dates. But, in the end, if your matches don’t find your profile appealing, you’re in the same boat as before. There was no discernible difference among those who indicated they received more messages and/or went on more dates.

It’s possible that if you have a poor profile and are on the OkCupid A-List, you’ll be rejected more frequently. If you have an optimised profile, you can be incredibly successful on the free version. To be deemed incredibly handsome online, you don’t have to be Ryan Gosling. You simply need to know how to promote yourself effectively.

Will the match know that you have an A list of OkCupid?

Unless you manually click “show them I visited” in A-List, it will not display that you have visited a user’s profile. So, if you message someone about something you saw on their profile but don’t explicitly click to show them you visited, they may notice that you never appeared in their visitors’ list and are so browsing as an invisible guest.

The bottom line

The premium edition of OkCupid allows you to view complete profiles and engage with individuals in an unlimited number of ways. You’ll be able to see your likes and create dealbreakers without having to add your own. 

Stick with the free version if you’re not picky and don’t mind advertisements. You can connect with a limited number of individuals for free on OkCupid each month.

I hope you find this helpful.

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