What’s an OkCupid Boost? Best Time to Use & How to Make the Most Of It

lets Discuss about What’s an OkCupid Boost? Best Time to Use & How to Make the Most Of It.

Starting again on OkCupid can be daunting, especially after nearly a year of being locked out.  Update your profile if you’re just seeking long-term relationships or if you’re open to various sorts of relationships. Don’t be afraid to be open and honest about yourself.

If you want to meet the top local singles, you need to put some work into your profile, whether you’re seeking a long-term romance or just casual dating on OkCupid.

OkCupid Basic or Premium unlocks a slew of features that will help you meet the most attractive singles in your region. Naturally, you’ll want to make sure your profile, photographs, and messages are up to the task, and our OkCupid Guide is full of expert advice.

In this article, I will take you down on the list of Okcupid boost telling you everything you need to do with it. So, without any further delay let’s get started.

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What’s an OkCupid Boost?

An OkCupid Boost places your profile at the top of special blend searches, rapid match results, and activity feeds. You can purchase Boosts singly or in bulk to save money. You can choose the timing of a separately purchased Boost, unlike the daily Boosts that come with an A-List subscription.

Boosting is represented by the lightning bolt icon on OkCupid. If a match has a lightning bolt icon next to it, it signifies they Liked you when you were running a Boost. OkCupid doesn’t claim that anyone will like your account or message you as a result of buying a Boost.

However, you will normally see increased activity. If you’re a subscriber to Incognito, keep in mind that you won’t be able to activate a Boost if Incognito is enabled.

Consider performing the following during your Boost to extend the reach of your Boost impressions. But to note that it’s easier to accomplish this on a computer than on a phone.

• Disable anonymous surfing and enable visitors.

• As thumbnails of profiles appear, open the ones that you find appealing in new tabs.

• Look for Last Online and open the ones that look interesting in new tabs.

What’s the best time to use OkCupid Boost?

OkCupid is incredibly busy on Sunday, according to a Nielson analysis of mobile app use. The most popular hour for users on the dating app is between 9 pm and 10 pm. Between the hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a.m., activity is at its lowest. Users begin to engage around 5 p.m., and activity continues to increase throughout the evening.

OkCupid activity starts heating up around 7 pm, and peaks at 10. Boosting your profile during that time frame helps ensure maximum exposure. That’s when people are most likely to notice you and swipe right on your profile. You can also try and boost at other times during the day, but the best time to do it is from 7-10 at night.

Can you boost your OkCupid profile?

Yes. Each boost will give your profile a 30-minute lift. They may be purchased for $6.99 apiece as an in-app purchase. If you buy them in bulk, you can get them for $4.99 each. OkCupid also provides a SuperBoost, which is an extended Boost option. The price of each SuperBoost is determined by how long it lasts. It costs $29.99 to SuperBoost your OkCupid profile for three hours, $44.99 for six hours, and $59.99 for twelve hours. (Pricing may vary depending on the region.)

After my Boost, why haven’t I received any fresh Likes or messages?

When you buy a Boost, the company can’t ensure that anyone will Like or message you. It may be a matter of time, or something in your pictures or profile is missing.

How much does OkCupid Premium cost, and what does it include?

OkCupid has two different membership levels. There are two membership levels to choose from Basic and Premium. Basic costs roughly $9.99 per month, while Premium costs around $19.99. Pricing is subject to change depending on your location.

How to make the most out of OkCupid boost?

The goal is that if you appear as having visited their profile, they’ll return the favour and view yours, doubling the amount of attention you’re getting in that short length of time. After your Boost has ended, go through the profiles and message/like the folks you’re interested in to get things started.

You must first “like” another user’s profile before you can send them a message. This will enable you to send an introductory message (known as an intro) that will appear on the screen while they browse your profile. If someone “likes” you back, you’ll be able to access their profile in the Conversations area and send them messages freely.

With a poor profile, you run the risk of being rejected more and more frequently. All you need to know is what types of photos sell you successfully, and the great majority of your competitors are failing miserably. Most people, it turns out, utilise photos that don’t do them well at all, and they quickly lose interest.

Here is how to make most of it:

  1. Select a primary profile photo taken with a good camera. 
  2. Don’t put your glasses over your eyes! Eye contact is especially critical in dating images, according to multiple studies.
  3. Make sure the photo wasn’t taken with a flash; harsh lighting adds seven years to your appearance.
  4. Vertical views on the left side of your face were found to be perfect in the same study.
  5. Choose an outdoor location. You’ll get more messages, according to statistics analysed by photography website Snappr.

The bottom line

If OkCupid isn’t working for you, consider a location-based app like Tinder or Bumble instead. You’ll be able to go on dates with fascinating, attractive people without having to go out and locate them.

OkCupid Basic can help you save a lot of time and effort. You can use the “Dealbreaker” function to eliminate any search criterion that you are unwilling to compromise on. You’ll have a lot of prospective matches if you’re in your early 30s to mid-40s and live in a region with a lot of OkCupid members.

I hope you find this helpful.

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