OkCupid Relaunches OkTrends Blog – Reveals if Looks Matter

OkCupid offered the people of the Online dating platform a unique feature in 2009- A look into the company’s huge database of user information. OkTrends, a blog, compiled the observations and statistics. However, the popular website went dark in April 2011, leaving users wondering what “things white people adore” really is.

OkCupid has reopened its blog OkTrends, which documents the dating site’s usage of its users as test subjects. ‘I don’t think people walk by it thinking, ‘I’ve got to go grab a Coke right now,’ says Rudder. Although OkCupid only receives about 1,000 individuals to sign up after a post goes up, the effect is far more subtle.

OkCupid Relaunches OkTrends Blog – Reveals if Looks Matter

Your attractiveness rank on OkCupid isn’t solely based on your appearance you’ll need great photos and an engaging profile to attract more likes and improve your ranking. Men who are most beautiful are the ones who send the most messages, with the top 40% reaching out the most. 

They detect identical message behaviour for men, regardless of how attractive a woman appears. Women, regardless of their situations, rarely reach out. However, conducting this research revealed a hidden gem: the OkCupid environment actually favours women.

The majority of OkCupid women are still waiting to be messaged, indicating that they are settling. If you send the first greeting, the man is around 7% more handsome than you. So, if you usually wait to be approached, simply sending the first message could improve your game by roughly 12%, claims OkCupid.

For the past several years, Christian Rudder’s OkCupid blog OkTrends has been silent. “We Experiment On Human Beings,” Rudder stated as the title of a long-awaited peace. When it comes to finding a suitable match, OkTrends presented data from their Internet dating user base, revealing that appearances aren’t necessarily the most important factor.

OkCupid covered three questions in the blog that are as follows:

What Is the Value of a Picture?

Users on OkCupid could previously assess profiles based on their appearance and personality. They eventually altered it to a rating system based solely on appearance. Only 10% of consumers judged a profile only on its text, according to their findings. Does this imply that 90% of people judge profiles only on their appearance? It’s understandable. This is why all of the dating applications for mobile phones have become so popular and addictive.

 What’s the Power of Suggestion?

The suggested recommendations on OkCupid were altered from one with a low match percentage to one with a greater match percentage. This allowed users to engage with people who, according to the algorithms, weren’t necessarily a fit. Rudder did return to contributing on the OkTrends blog every four weeks while awaiting the release of his book Dataclysm in September that year.

Love is Blind or Should Be?

Crazy Blind Date, a mobile app, was launched on OkCupid’s tenth anniversary. The idea was that you’d encounter someone whose face had been “mashed up” like a puzzle and you’d have no idea who they were. In honour of the occasion, OkCupid conducted an experiment in which they mashed up all of its members and discovered that 44% of them sent their first messages to persons they had no idea what they looked like.

The bottom line

If you’re a woman using OkCupid, you have a huge advantage. You should message males you find appealing not only because they’re gorgeous, but also because you’ll have more in common with them. You’ll be able to enhance the quantity of quality you produce. Men, on the other hand, are likely to appreciate receiving more texts.

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