OkCupid’s Flirting Year in Review

According to OkCupid, the most popular term this year was “Pokémon Go,” which is refreshing given that we are in the midst of an election year. If you’re not a fan of “Netflix and Chill,” make sure to check out “HBO Go,” which is a favourite of many single daters. 

OkCupid’s Flirting Year in Review

They started by looking at all of the communications sent between users in the United States between January 1, 2015, and November 15, 2016. Then OkCupid separated the “good” talks or those with at least four messages and contact exchange. Finally, they contrasted 2015’s good discussions to 2016’s to evaluate how messaging evolved.

Following is what they found:

  1. “Pokémon Go”: In 2016, “Pokémon Go” was the most popular game, with nearly 9 times as many positive responses as in 2015. In addition, the number of people who said they were “playing Pokémon” jumped by more than twofold. When daters weren’t looking for Pokémon, they clearly found time to look for dates.
  2. Stranger Things, Overwatch, and Zootopia all saw large spikes in usage, but even terms that did come up frequently in last year’s excellent talks (cough, “Trump,” cough) reached the top 10 list. 
  3. Good messaging: Trump is related with good…good messaging, that is; from 2015 to 2016, the use of “Trump” ineffective messages increased significantly. Seriously. Between 2015 and 2016, OkCupid users used the phrase “Trump” almost six times more in positive messages. 
  4. Hillary and Bernie: both saw huge gains, but they were unable to defeat Trump. From 2014 to 2015, the use of “Hillary” in profiles surged by sevenfold, while Donald Trump was much more of a hot issue the other year.
  5. Grabbing: Users on OkCupid were more likely to recommend “grabbing” something like beverages. In 2016 compared to 2015, the phrase “if it’s okay with you” occurred 2.5 times more frequently in positive messages. Trump’s mention of OkCupid does not imply that he was mentioned in a “positive” light.
  6. Sports: In 2016, sports were a prominent topic of discussion on OkCupid. The World Cup was the most popular sporting event of 2016, followed by the National Football League Super Bowl. The Chicago Cubs won the World Series over the Cleveland Indians. This was the first time they had won the championship in what seemed like an eternity, and it drew far more attention than last year’s champions, the Kansas City Royals.
  7. Movies: Finding Dory, which was released in the summer, saw one of the highest spikes in usage between 2015 and 2016. More positive messages have been used in Game of Thrones than in any other show. Westworld was the hottest new topic in 2016, with over twice as many mentions of the year as before.

The bottom line

According to our research, messages on new movies, sports, and politics are a good way to interact with other daters. But it doesn’t require analytics to see that the most effective messages frequently incorporate a shared passion. 

People who wish to access their accounts and check their matches on the fly should use OkCupid’s mobile app. The software does not bring any new functions, but it does improve the user experience. All of the dating site’s functions may be accessed with one hand, and all of the app’s capabilities are available via tabs at the bottom of the screen.

I hope you find this helpful.

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